A Destination for Luxury Handbag Lovers
At REDELUXE, you'll find a vast collection of gently used designer handbags, including luxury Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Christian Dior, Hermes, Saint Laurent and many more. Our collection of resale designer bags includes leather and other premium materials, ensuring that you'll find the perfect accessory to elevate your style.
Georgia Swain founded Top Replica with the desire to give luxury lovers all over the world a reliable experience. At the time, Georgia and her husband Hunter (now a co-owner) were living in a small town in West Texas where Hunter was a pastor at a church.
A lover of handbags and designer items since her teen years, Georgia was gifted a Louis Vuitton messenger bag by her mother. Although she was not able to afford luxury bags after leaving home, Georgia worked hard to save up for a new one. As her love for luxury grew, she found a Facebook group where people all over the world were buying and selling designer bags and accessories. Georgia realized that the quickest way for her to buy her next bag was to sell an older bag she had.
After a few months of buying and selling online, Georgia recognized the opportunity to share that joy with bag lovers all over the world while making a little bit of extra cash on the side. Together with her husband, she started a company so she could continue doing what she felt she was supposed to be doing – Wholesale Cheap Luxury Handbag by offering a trustworthy designer bag resale experience
Top Replica started as a way for a young immigrant pastor’s wife, lacking work experience or a business degree, to make extra money. Since then, it has become the best website for used designer bags and a brand on a mission to make a difference in the luxury market.
Redeem (verb): To compensate for the faults or bad aspects of (something). Or, do something that compensates for poor past performance or behavior.
We know many people have been burned, disappointed, or flat-out scammed in the designer bag resale market. Our brand exists to change that – to redeem that.
Whether you're searching for a Louis Vuitton handbag or a Chanel handbag, Top Replica is best website for used designer bags. It is the destination for luxury lovers looking for the best deals on gently used designer handbags. Shop now and experience the joy of owning a luxury handbag at a fraction of the original price.