Domestic Orders (US)
Top Replica offers free Express shipping via FedEx or UPS for standard US domestic shipments valued $5000 or more. For shipments valued less than $5000, a $9 shipping fee applies.
Standard shipping includes insurance, signature confirmation, and high-quality packaging. All items are shipped within 1-2 business day from the receipt of payment. Delivery times are based on business days (Mon-Fri except for holidays).
Overnight Shipping :
For customers in need of expedited shipping, we offer overnight shipping for $99. We cannot guarantee the item will be shipped same day or next day however, only a guarantee that once shipped within our standard 2 day promise, it will arrive next day (excluding potential courier delays).
Standard Shipping :International shipping takes approximately 3-7 business days to arrive from the order date. We ship internationally with FedEx, or on occasion with DHL or UPS, depending on location. The shipping fee for all international orders is typically $55-$99. Please note Top Replica now covers any import duties, goods, and services tax (GST), value-added tax (VAT), customs fees, and any other tax on top of the purchase price (excluding Brazil, India and Mexico). So no additional costs to you. Yay! Delivery delays may occur due to external factors such as customs clearance. Items made of exotic materials cannot be shipped outside the US. All shipments are tracked and insured